Skiing Sympathies
Hazed and Confused
If you haven’t heard, wildfires have been taking over eastern Washington, with some half dozen different fires including the incredibly massive Carlton Complex which has torched over 215,000 acres to date. Coupled with a couple weeks of 100+ degree heat, and as my friend Scott put it best, it’s felt like a smoky oven. Needless to say, we’ve been laying low and doing our best to adapt to the situation at hand, things seem to be improving but I’m still skeptical for the future. For now, we’re enjoying a reprieve and I’m reflecting as well as looking forward to how and best balance this reality as it unfolds. Below you’ll find a few pictures from our weekend of clarity, and a few words regarding what it’s like living in a pressure cooker. If you’re into pictures or like your dose of crazy diluted as possible, remember to check us out on the Facebook and Instagram, where angry rhetoric is in short supply.
Moving Pictures
Behind The Scenes
Ambassadors of Action
One of my high school teachers once asked, “Without speech, would there still be thought?” At the time this stoner-esque consideration was profound enough to leave me not only speechless, but thoughtless as well. I tried to imagine a thought without words and could only vaguely conceive of emotional inspirations that well up deep within us. Music has a piece of this power, to convey thought and emotion without words, but in a way it borrows so much from speech and sound.
People seem to do a lot of talking, and a lot of thinking. Unfortunately, they don’t always go hand in hand and at times we seem to say things without thinking about them, and conversely to think of things without talking about them. Most of the time, this is all fine and well, after all if you’re not hurting someone or something with your pointless drivel then who cares, but words and thoughts have a way of turning into actions, and together these can have a serious impact.
10 Reasons to Adopt the Bike and Go Car-Free.
People love lists and why shouldn’t they. If we want to make a decision about something we need some concrete facts, plus, when you write stuff down with numbers next to it, it looks orderly and scientific, so it must be reputable! If you’re already on the fence, here ya go, this should pull you over one way or the other.
Continue reading “10 Reasons to Adopt the Bike and Go Car-Free.”